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Nervous about your first baby class? What to expect when you come to your Happy Little Signers class

It can feel really daunting going to a new baby class or toddler class with your young child, especially if it’s your first ever class with your newborn.

I remember all the rushing thoughts and questions well. ‘Will the venue be easy to find? Can I park nearby? What do I do when I arrive? Where do I sit? What if my baby needs changing when I get there (poonami anyone?)? What if they need a feed? What if they cry the whole time? I want to make parent friends, but how to I start the conversation?'.

Then add in the extra thoughts specific to a signing class. ‘I’ve never signed before, what if I can’t keep up? What if everyone else knows what they’re doing and I don’t? I know we’re meant to sing songs, but I’m no Adele and am embarrassed to sing in front of people.’

My aim when setting up Happy Little Signers baby signing and toddler signing classes was to create a friendly, welcoming, safe and supportive place for parents and carers. I pride myself on getting to know all the families who attend and try really hard to make everyone feel comfortable.

So, What should you expect when you come to your first baby signing class at Happy Little Signers?

When you book your place at our baby signing classes in Middlewich and Sandbach you will receive a welcome email providing you with all the logistical bits about attending class.

This email will give you the address and postcode of the venue, any specific directions to help you find it, where to park and how to access the building and find the classroom. I only select venues that have their own car park with lots of spaces and good accessibility for those who may need it.

When you arrive at class, I will welcome you and your child and show you where you can leave prams, pushchairs and car seats. I’ll then let you choose a place to sit around the central mats. Please remember to take your shoes off before getting on the mats. This is so that we can keep mud and germs from outside getting on the areas where the little ones will be lying, crawling and playing.

You will have your own chair to put baby bags and coats etc on, and can sit on the padded floor mat in front of it with your child. If you are unable to sit on the floor for whatever reason, you are of course welcome to use the chair. If you have a very young baby you may like to bring a small blanket for them to lie on as the mats might feel a little chilly.

We have a fairly relaxed start time to allow for those that are running a little bit late (we all know that it takes 3 times as long to get out of the house with a baby!) or need to change baby when they arrive. You can arrive at the venue early to access toilets or have some where to feed. You may not be able to access the class space until 10 minutes before the start time as I might still be setting up.

Your baby or toddler is very welcome to start exploring the props and the themed sensory landscape set-up straightaway. Please don’t feel anxious about them ‘ruining’ it. That’s the point!

When we get started

Once we are ready, we’ll do our short warm up which indicates to the children we are starting and then sing and sign our Hello song. You will quickly learn the words and signs to this song as the term goes on, so please don’t feel anxious on your first session or two, but it would be lovely for you to join in when you feel comfortable to.

The class is split into two sections, the first part lasts between 30 and 40 minutes and is full of new and well known nursery rhymes, action songs and sensory activities used to introduce and then practice the signs being taught that week. During this part you child can join is as much or as little as they want to. The more you get involved and engage with your child, the more you'll get out of the session. This brings me nicely to the next section!

The Singing bit!

First things first! You do not need to be an amazing singer to join in with our class. The majority of the songs will be well known nursery rhymes or the tunes of them but with different lyrics. I'll lead the singing and you only need to sing loud enough for your child to hear you, and trust me, they LOVE the sound of your voice! Once you know the songs and signs, you can go all out at home and bring out your inner pop star!

I want to let you in on a little secret though! Scientists specialising in perinatal mental health have found that singing with your baby or toddler is an incredible tool to lower your stress hormones, reduce your anxiety and even speed up your recovery from perinatal mental health conditions such as PND and PNA. They found these benefits were even greater for those that attended and engaged in singing at a baby class!

The Signing bit!

Learning to sign with your child should be fun! So please don't feel pressure and anxiety to learn and remember all the signs every session! When you first start baby signing, it is most successful if you only use one or perhaps two signs. Using any more than that at first will feel overwhelming for you and baby. I'll tell you more about this at class.

I will introduce you to lots of different signs over the course of the term, some might not be useful or relevant to you but will be for others at class. Signs will be frequently reused during the term and you can always ask me at a later date to remind you of a particular sign you might like to start using.

I'll come round to everyone one-to-one during the social and free-play part of the class to give you all the info to give you and your baby the best start at signing together.

The social part

For many, me included, the thought of 'social time' is enough to want to stay at home 😬🫣. However, hear me out.

When my little girl was born I experienced post-natal depression and anxiety and became extremely isolated and lonely. I tried to attend mother and baby classes in the hope I’d build some friendships, but many of the classes were very ‘cliquey’ and I found it difficult to strike up a conversation. Other classes were very focused on providing great content for the babies, but didn’t leave time for the adults to talk about much more than the pleasantries. A chance conversation with one mum after a class lead to what is now one of the strongest friendships I’ve had and totally turned my lonely Maternity Leave around! When setting up Happy Little Signers I knew that I had to try to facilitate opportunities for these type of relationships to form and that is why the social and free-play time exists.

If this is something that makes you feel anxious, please let me know before your first class and I will give you extra support. Equally if I see someone looking lonely, I'll come and sit with you to catch up.

Our Happy Little Signers Family

Although it might not always look like it, I can guarantee that every parent, grandparent or carer in the class has experienced the highs and lows of being in charge of a small human! Everyone in that room is part of a community, a village, a tribe. Use your time at class to be open and honest and I am sure at least one person will understand exactly how you feel.

Forgotten a nappy, wipes, change of clothes? Someone will be able to help you. Need me to keep an even closer eye on or even hold your baby while you go to the toilet? I'd be delighted! Don't struggle alone.

I hope this blog is useful to help you feel more at ease visiting us for the first time. My job is help you and your child feel comfortable, so please do not hesitate to ask any other questions you have.

I can't wait to see you at class ❤️

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